A los amigos y mi familia que está en Perú, les quiero con todo mi alma. Hay una belleza que existe en Perú que es única y divina. No la encuentra en Machu Piccu ;), ni en las playas, ni en la comida, ni en el idioma. La encuentra en las personas que aman tan fuerte y son pioneros en una época de mucho obscuridad. Lo agradezco a Dios por enviarme a ustedes y nunca olvidaré las personas y las lecciones que aprendí. Tampoco no voy a dejar de hablar el idioma celestial (no es Alemán por los que vieron conferencia 😉) y cocinar ají de gallina. Volveré pronto y para los que no voy a ver, nos encontramos mas allá en los cielos, ¿diga? (: Les quiero muchísimo. Cuídense mucho.
Seems that that's all the time that I've got. I want to say that I have come to not just believe in Christ, but believe Christ and what He says. I believe His promise that those who ask will receive, and I have seen Him through the examples of so many people. The Church of Jesus Christ is the kingdom of God on earth and it is perfect and established in all parts of the world. The Book of Mormon is God's instrucction to us on how to get back home to Him and I read it every day to keep me on the path. I know that the purest objective of all that we do in the church is to keep our families protected, united, and happy. The Church of Jesus Christ is true, Joseph Smith restored it and brought the priesthood keys back again, and we will never lose it again. I love you all and I'll see many of you soon!!
Hermana Furness
P.S. I picked the most Peruvian photos I could from this past week and it turns out that I finally saw my first llama and we also ate guinea pig on top of that. Solid week!
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